Code of Conduct

Innovatix is a member of the Healthcare Group Purchasing Industry Initiative (HGPII), a voluntary association of healthcare GPOs created in 2005 to encourage and sustain best ethical and business conduct practices in the GPO industry.

As a member of the HIGPII and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Premier, Innovatix operates on a self-imposed Code of Conduct. “The Code” is designed to promote ethical business and contracting behavior for both Innovatix employees and members. At its founding, the Initiative established six core principles of ethics and business conduct and closely monitors actual practices to assure commitment to those Principles. The Principles require each participant (Innovatix) to:

  • Have and adhere to a written code of business conduct. The code establishes the high ethical values expected for all within the organization.
  • Train all within the organization as to their personal responsibilities under the code.
  • Work toward the twin goals of high quality healthcare and cost effectiveness.
  • Work toward an open and competitive purchasing process free of conflicts of interest and any undue influences.
  • Have the responsibility to each other to share their best practices in implementing the Principles; each Signatory (Innovatix) shall participate in an annual Best Practices Forum.
  • Be accountable to the public.

View our Group Purchasing Code of Conduct

For more information, call Innovatix (toll-free) at (888) 258-3273.